Frequently asked questions

What does the price include?

A one-way price will include a one-way trip for the route you have booked. The return price includes the arrival and departure trips of the reserved route. Child seats, excess luggage and other larger items may have an additional cost, but you will always be informed at the time of booking.

Does my child or baby require a child seat?

All babies (0-2 years) and children (3-11 years) will be included as a passenger in their reservation and the law indicates that all children under 12 years, or up to 135 cm, need a booster seat or a child seat for the transfer. High seats or for children under 12, or up to 135 cm, must be requested on the reservation form or you can also choose to bring your own.

Are the prices per vehicle or per person?

Our prices shown on our website are per vehicle, not per person.

Will I have to share the car or minibus with others who are not in my group?

No, when you book a vehicle with us, it does not matter if it is a minivan or minibus, the vehicle is exclusively yours for the trip.

What happens if my flight is delayed?

All flights are controlled by electronic devices with updated flight information, so your driver will usually be informed of any delay.

Are the vehicles licensed and insured?

Yes, all vehicles are fully authorized by the authorities and have an updated transport license. The vehicles are fully insured for full passenger liability coverage and strictly comply with the public license operation regulations.

Where will my driver find me?

If you meet at the airport, your driver will be waiting at arrivals with a clearly visible sign with the name of the main passenger printed. All other meeting points in specific places (hotels, villas, etc.) can be specified in the online booking form.